Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back to reality

Getting back from vacation has always been a difficult activity. You spend a whole week where the most important decision you have to make is where you are going to have lunch and what time diner is going to be. Do you want to sit on the beach today or go see some sights, (usually the beach wins). But work we must to make these all to short interludes possible.

Spending time with family who aren't just a short ride away is golden and makes the separation even harder, but it makes you treasure those moments even more. The lesson here is to make the times with family that are just a short ride away just as sweet and special. Had some time this morning to reflect on this and it became real clear to me that time being our most precious commodity is best spent with those you love no matter if they are 10 miles, or 900 hundred miles or 3,000 miles away.


  1. Ahh how refreshing that your words of wisdom are finally entering the blogging world! Keep the blogs coming!

  2. We so enjoyed your visit today! Please do it more often.

  3. Your blog is probably going to make me tear up. Ditto Sarah.

  4. Michael, you need to make a 365 daily calendar with your serious insight, one-liners, and "michael-fied" song lyrics. We miss you guys. Ditto Sarah and Matthew

    BFF club Assistant TO the Regional Manager (self appointed of course)
